
"Daily Inputs" book cover featuring a modern Japanese-inspired design with bold typography and watercolor elements.

What is Daily Inputs?


Make today your best day ever

Daily Inputs is more than a book; it's a philosophy for living well every single day. Stripped of the typical self-help fluff, this book zeroes in on the small, daily habits that sum up to real, lasting change. It’s about improving slowly, not overnight, making each day count more than the last. You won’t find any grand promises here, just practical, straightforward advice that sticks because it’s doable and grounded in daily life.Why Read This Book?
Each page of 'Daily Inputs' is filled with actionable insights that challenge you to rethink your daily routines.
Whether your goal is to boost productivity, strengthen connections, or just enjoy life more—'Daily Inputs' shows you how good habits can propel you forward, while ditching the bad ones. Make each day a step to a better you.This book combines real-life stories and practical tips in a way that’s digestible and immediately useful. Forget about nailing the future—just nail today. Because, let’s be real, today is all you've got. Let’s make it count.So, grab the book and start reading today. Stop putting things off until tomorrow.Have a great day,
Dave Galifianakis.


Frequently asked questions

What is Daily Inputs?

It's more than a book; it's a philosophy for living well every single day. Stripped of the typical self-help fluff, this guide zeroes in on the small, daily habits that sum up to real, lasting change. It’s about improving slowly, not overnight, making each day count more than the last. You won’t find any grand promises here, just practical, straightforward advice that sticks because it’s doable and grounded in daily life.

How can I read the Daily Inputs book?

You'll get the ePub version of this book and read it easily on your phone, tablet, laptop, or any Reader.

Why should I focus on daily habits instead of long-term goals?

Focusing on daily habits is like planting seeds for your future. Instead of getting overwhelmed by distant goals, small daily actions build a strong foundation, making big dreams more achievable. Daily Inputs teaches you to cultivate habits that naturally lead to success, one day at a time.

How long does it take to read Daily Inputs?

Look, Daily Inputs isn't a race to the finish. It's about 70,000 words, which might sound like a lot. Average reading time? Around 4 to 6 hours, if you’re going straight through. But here’s a more relaxed approach: just tackle about 30 minutes each day. Doing it this way, you’ll finish in about two weeks. This pace isn’t just easy, it’s strategic.Starting your day with a fresh cup of coffee and a bit of this book helps you gradually absorb the philosophy. Each 30 minute chunk is a step toward improving your daily habits, making each day a little better than the last. It's about setting a solid foundation for your daily inputs, one morning at a time.

Can Daily Inputs help me with my specific goals?

Absolutely. While it's great to set goals, Daily Inputs emphasizes focusing on the daily actions that compound over time. The philosophy is about enjoying the journey, not just the destination. By crafting a daily routine that aligns with your specific objectives and embracing small, consistent inputs, you'll build momentum that naturally leads to progress. It's not just about achieving goals—it's about making each day meaningful and finding fulfillment in your unique journey.

Is the Daily Inputs method complicated to follow?

Not at all. It's all about simplicity and making incremental changes that stick. The book guides you through easy-to-understand, actionable steps that integrate seamlessly into your life, making the process of change feel natural and manageable.

What if I miss a day or slip up?

That's part of being human. Daily Inputs isn't about perfection; it's about progress. It teaches you to acknowledge slip-ups, learn from them, and bounce back stronger. The goal is to keep moving forward, no matter how small the step.



"Daily Inputs is brilliant in its simplicity. It's transformed the way I view my routines. A must-read for anyone looking to make meaningful changes in their life."


"This book is amazing! It's like having a coach by your side, pushing you to be better every day. 'Daily Inputs' is now part of my daily life, and I'm grateful for it."


"Simple, yet profound—'Daily Inputs' is a treasure. It's a subtle guide that’s helped me focus on what truly matters in my day-to-day life."


"Dave's book grabbed me with its no-nonsense approach. 'Daily Inputs' is like the friend who tells it like it is—no sugar-coating, just real talk. Each chapter hit home and made me rethink how I approach my days. It's been a game-changer for my mindset and routines."


"I was skeptical at first, but 'Daily Inputs' is not your average self-help guide. It's straightforward, impactful, and it actually works. Dave's insights are a breath of fresh air."


"Every page of 'Daily Inputs' resonates with warmth and wisdom. Dave's philosophy on life is contagious, and his book has inspired me to cherish every moment. Grazie for such a life-affirming read!"

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Author Dave Galifianakis smiling

About the author of Daily Inputs

Dave Galifianakis

Daily Inputs comes from a lifetime of notes and personal stories, reflecting my journey from selling fruit at age 10 to navigating the ups and downs of tech startups and event management. Each experience has sharpened the core idea of this book: to master today, letting go of past regrets and future anxieties.Packed with real-life lessons, this book offers a straightforward guide to seizing each day and making the most of now. If you're looking for practical advice rooted in genuine experiences, this is your guide to transforming everyday moments into a life worth celebrating.


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